Rhona Mahl, executive director of Transitional Youth, shares how a new mindset is required to truly impact Portland’s at-risk youth population.
Rhona Mahl
Ever since Rhona’s life was transformed at the age of 14, she knew she wanted to live for something more than herself. Having experienced life on the streets as a child, she knows first hand how hard it can be to break the cycle of poverty. Today Rhona oversees Transitional Youth, a nonprofit dedicated to loving at-risk youth and helping them find healthy transformation.
Rhona is also the executive director of Braking Cycles, a nonprofit coffee and bike shop in Portland that operates under the umbrella of Transitional Youth. Through its youth apprenticeship programs, Braking Cycles offers hope, tangible job skills, and real-world knowledge that will provide youth a place and opportunity to dream, reach, and achieve. The goal is that healthy self-sufficiency can become the new cycle.
Learn more at https://www.brakingcycles.org and https://www.transitionalyouth.org/